Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Testing Minerals :)

Mineral Properties

The properties I used by doing this project it was:
Luster: Luster helps us to find out if the minerals is metallic or non-metallic. 
Streak: Show the colors of the minerals is.
Hardness: Tells us if it soft or hard the mineral. 
Cleavage: You can find the way the mineral broke, it can be Cleavage which broke in squares or fracture which broke unequally. 
Other: Tells you if the mineral if magnetic or not.
Composition: Tells what chemicals is on the mineral. 


What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
Wow, one thing I really enjoy about this project is doing the video ( animato), because it was fun recording  and filming my own self. :)

What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
The most challenging for me during this project it was when I supposed to figure it out the actual mineral. It was kind hard because mostly of them are non-metallic and they sometimes seems that they has the color but they don't. 

What new skills did you learn from doing this project? 
Some new skills I learned doing this project it is to describe the minerals. For example, now I can tell what kind of minerals it is just by looking it, if it is cleavage or fracture, the color it is, soft or hard.

Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Shaking Our World Project

In this semester we learned about  Plate Tectonics. There was three types of layers which are Lithosphere Layer, Asthenosphere Layer and Mantle Layer.

Lithosphere Layer 

Brain Pop- Tsunami

By watching the video about Tsunami on Brain Pop, I learned that there is a fiction about Tsunami, because there is a fiction that people think Tsunami is a tidal waves. Tidal wave is same as big waves.  Tsunami in Japanese word which means Tsu- harbor and Nami-waves. The main reason for tsunami happen is there is a strong and large wave below ocean that brings Tsunami happen. Therefore, tsunami brings you a lot of damages and can brings also a lot of death.

Asthenosphere Layer

Prediction Map- Plate Boundaries

By making the map I learned that there is three different types of boundaries. There is Divergent Boundary which is when the plate is moving apart. One plate moves to left side and other plate moves to a right side and what effect them is the Ridge Convergent Boundary which is when the two plates moves to a same direction and what effect them is Mountain and Trench. Transform Boundary is when the two plates pass through each other in a slide way and what is the effect to happen is the Earthquake.

Mantle Layer

Narrative Video- Tsunami

Tsunami is a mix of Japanese words which Tsu means Harbor and Nami means Waves. The main causes that Tsunami happens mostly because there is a strong and large earthquake below the ocean. Tsunami, also can happen in faults. Fault is a large fractures in the Earth's crust. There is three different kind of faults. Normal Fault which is a fault that the hangingwall moves downwords.  Reverse fault is a fault that the hangingwall moves upwords, and strike-slip fault which is a fault that the surfaces moves horizontally (in a opposite side). Also Tsunamis can happen at a Transform Plate Boundary. Transform Plate Boundary is where plate slide past each other. Tsunami can brings you a lot of damage and can also destroys anything such as buildings and streets.

Critical Thinking Question :)

Do you agree with the theory of plate tectonics? Why or why not?
I agree with the theory of plate tectonics, because says that Earth's crust is divided up into pieces. Some evidences of this theory are earthquakes and volcanoes.The plates move a few centimeters every year.  The scientists have proved that by measured it every year. As the plates move, they create earthquakes. All earthquakes and tsunamis they also cause by the movement of tectonic plates.

Reflection *-*

1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
I enjoy mostly everything about this project. First of all because you was able to choose whatever you want to do in this project and I also really like my Narration Video. I really like because I was the narrative of my own video and I was able to put anything I want on it. Thanks a lot to Ms. Kara for she help me doing my video and for me ended up very good my video.

2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
 The most challenging for me during this project was doing the quiz when you finish your layers. It was kind of hard because you have to memorize everything for you get a good grade and editing my narrative video was a little challenging for me because it wasn't my first time that I edit a video but how I did by my ownself was a little annoying to fix all the scenes and putting them all together.

3. What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
I actually don't think I gain new skills by doing this project, but it brings me a lot of knowledges about how the world is made of.

4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
Yes, doing my quiz right after I done my layers, so I will not forget what I did or what I learned!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Massive Movement Project


→ Axis- (Eixo) An imaginary line that goes through the middle of Earth.
→ Orbit- (Órbita)-  The direction that the Earth follows when it is revolving around the Sun.
→ Tilt- (Incline) - Not straight. 23.5 degress.
→ Equator- (Equador) - An imaginary line that divides the Earth into half.
→ Revolution- (Revolução) When the Earth goes aoun the Sun once.
→ Polaris- (Polaris)- A north Star
→ Solstices- (Solstícios)-  is the shortest and longest day of the year.
→ Winter Solstices- (Solstícios de Inverno) First day of winter and shortest period of sunlight.
→ Summer Solstices- (Solstícios de Verão)  First day of summer and longest period of sunlight.
→ Equinox- (Equinócio)- is when it's the same amount of time (12h-12h) day and night.
→ Autumnal Equinox- (Equinócio de Outono) First day of season fall, equal day and night.
→Spring/Vernal Equinox- (Primavera / Equinócio Vernal) First day of season spring, equal day and night.



Solstices happens twice each year, is when the Sun reaches the highest position seen from the North or South Pole. Equinox is when it's the same amount of time (12h-12h) day and night and the Sun is crossing te Equator. On Earth's orbit, there are two different solstices and equinoxes. Which are Winter Solstices, Summer Solstice, Autumnal Equinox and Spring/Vernal Equinox. Winter Solstices is the day that comes the winter, it occurs in December 22 and have the least amount of sunlight in the whole year around and have undirect sunlight. Summer Solstice is the season of summer, it occurs on June 21-22 and have the longest amount of sunlight and have direct sunlight. Autumnal Equinox is the day of fall and is the shortest period of sunlight at the Pole and it occurs in September 22. Spring/Vernal Equinox is a longest period of sunlight at the Pole and is equal day and equal night.

Class M - #6 - 2012 from Kara MacDevitt on Vimeo.

How is Earth affected by movement (revolution)?

The movements of Earth and Moon affects Earth in differents ways. For examplo the moon phases causes the water level on Earth to go up and down, which we call the tidess. As Earth revolves around the Sun, it causes seasons and tides.  The Earth revolution takes about 365 days and rotation on its axis is about 24 hours. Also because the earth is tilted, the earth gets different types of sunlight from the sun which are the indirect sunlight and direct sunlight. Days and nights are almost equal at the equator. The revolution of the earth results in changes of the seasons, different times of the year which I means in some part is night and another is day.



1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
A: What did I enjoy most about this project  is when we was recording the video. It was fun! Because I was the speaker on the video.

2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
A: What was most challenging for me during this project it was that supposed to have 3 members in this group but it was 2 and our work was kind messed up a little in the begining but we pass through it.  Because one of my group mate was absent the whole time.
3. What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
A: What new skills did I learned from doing this project it was to speak more clear and louder on the video.

4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
Yeah. I will try to don't get sick on the days that have Earth Science Class. Because, I had so much less time to finish my works.